While the Olympic flame tours France, discover expressions related to the word “flame.”
Les fruits de l’été
Here are a few useful vocabulary words if you’re going to the market these days.
Abréviations au travail
Here are a few abbreviations and their explanations widely used in the professional world:
- PDG => Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- RTT => Reduction in Working Hours
- CDI => Contract for an Indefinite Period
- CDD => Fixed-term Contract
- RH => Human Resources (HR)
Attention aux accents
Don’t forget the accents. They are an essential part of French grammar. In writing, accents can distinguish a verb from a preposition, for example.
Imparfait et passé composé
The two most commonly used past tenses are the passé composé and the imparfait. The imparfait expresses the continuity of an action, indicating that it was ongoing or repeated in the past. In contrast, the passé composé denotes a single, completed event that interrupts or concludes an ongoing action.
Une urne, trois significations
A word can have different meanings. This is the case with the word “urne” in French. It can be the ancient urn, the funeral urn, or the ballot box. For the next elections, put your ballot in the right place!
Formal Greetings
Ending a formal letter can sometimes be challenging. For a formal first contact, consider using this widely accepted (if somewhat interminable) closing formula:
Le français juridique
In legal language, synonyms are almost nonexistent because legal concepts must not be imprecise. Words can have similar yet distinct meanings. Here are a few examples.